
Showing posts from November, 2020

Artem Finance Platform

 The year 2020 seems to be all about DeFi platforms, crypto lending and borrowing. With this new hype a lot of new crypto lending platforms are popping up and they are getting immensely popular. These crypto lending platforms are interesting for people who need liquidity and people who want to generate passive income. Please note that crypto lending is something else than cryptocurrency staking. Investors can borrow stablecoins (most of the time) and use their cryptocurrency as collateral. This way they don’t have to spend their cryptocurrency or convert it into a fiat currency. To borrow from the platform they have to pay a percentage of interest. As a borrower, you don’t need to perform any credit checks since you are using crypto as collateral. This way the loan can be issued almost instantly. On the other side of the transaction, there are the lenders. These people lend their crypto to generate passive income and build wealth. The interest the borrower pays goes to the lender (minu